Monday, September 27, 2010

Week 8,9- Croppers

Disappointing disappointing disappointing... I got my first running injury... a side/groin sprain... my mistake at the end of it. I took the phrase "Mind over Body" too close to my heart and ignored the pleadings of a battered body... the result.. 10 days of no running and a pain that refuses to go away completely and prevents me from giving my 100%. Its not a great feeling when you run but at the back of your mind you have a feeling that the injury may return.

Strangely though there was a kind of relief I was out of running action. I was happy that I didn't get my running injury to close to my starting point else I would have given up the idea of running completely. It also gave my body much needed rest. Its almost September end and its the start of the winter running season. I will have enough time to resume proper running before the winter sets in.

Somehow I feel it will be better to run in the fog and the cold rather than the unrelenting sun. I sincerely hope to complete a couple of races (10K upwards of course) before the year end.

Having said that I started running last week and in three runs clocked 5.4, 6.8 and 9.5 miles respectively. The last one being in light rain.. yay :)

Funny thing is that till the time I am running, I am also eating well. In the 10 days that I did no running, ice-creams, French fries and chocolates sneaked their way into my palate. The small print at the back of an ice-cream tub denoting high calories make sense only when one understands the effort required to burn them all.

I hope this will be a lesson to do everything and especially running in moderation... heck who I am kidding? :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

My first ten miler!

Ten miles- the distance between my old home in Delhi to my old school two times over, distance to India International Center, to my moms old school and back 5 times over, to Qutub Minar and back 3 times over-some of my the thoughts that crossed my mind as I completed my first 10 miler on foot.

I now seriously think i have a chance to complete a half marathon some time and though I don't to burden myself with unrealistic expectations, I would like to accomplish this within this calendar year.

1 hour 43 minutes 27 seconds is what it took... though putting a number to it doesn't do the justice to the efforts of the past 6-7 months which have included countless hours at the gym (sometimes on weekends as well), saying no to family friends on numerous occasions so as to not miss a training session, giving up leisure reading almost completely for the want of time, leading a disciplined life in all aspects- food, sleep, relaxation etc.

This run was also special as I covered 10 kms in under 60 minutes.

I now find myself amidst unchartered waters... having broken the 10 mile barrier, where should I be headed now? I have the half-marathon in sight but only time will tell where I actually end up!

Till such time, I am enjoying every step that I run and every calorie that I burn.